Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Will legalized pot bail out California?

There are several efforts underway to legalize marijuana and use the tax proceeds to balance California's upside-down budget. They tax everything else in California. Why not pot?

State officials say legalizing marijuana could add $1.4 billion a year to the state treasury. The idea is supported by 56% of California voters, according to a poll taken in April. But there's a huge gap between what people tell pollsters and what they'll actually do on the issue when they go into the polling both on election day.

There are at least two marijuana initiatives trying to get on the California ballot, and a San Francisco lawmaker has a bill that would tax marijuana.

You gotta be on dope to support this. This state doesn't need anymore impaired people trying to cope. It's bad enough with all the alcohol problems. Can you imagine all the people driving cars on pot while texting their friends and putting makeup on at the same time?


  1. I agree with you. California is getting desperate.

  2. If marijuana is used medicinally, then it should be treated as any other prescribed medication. As far as I know, prescription drugs are not taxed. A more lucrative tax would be to tax all prescription drugs. Only taxing marijuana doesn't make much sense, except that there aren't a lot of high priced pot lobbyists giving campaign contributions and controlling legislation like the pharmacutical(sp?) companies have.

  3. What is scary is the normalization of marijuana. I am concerned about the children who have grown up around this culture of normalized marijuana use. Because we all know that the medical marijuana card is not working. People, and this includes Dr.'s, are abusing the system.
    What is this doing to our up and coming generations?

  4. Let's tax every vice . . . including using the computer to write stupid emails. I think the mindless people who forward email after email they get from someone else should have ot pay 10 cents every time they do it.
